Bonina Fall Fun Show

By October 25, 2014Upcoming Events
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Date(s) - 10/25/14 - 10/26/14
All Day


Bonina Fall Fun Show, Oct. 24-26, 2014

COW CUTTING FANS!  This will be a cutting event you can’t miss!  Every cutter in the northwest can be involved by showing in the NCHA weekend, Futurity or Derby classes; selling a horse in the Private Treaty Horse Sale; riding incognito in the Costume Class or helping a new comer Climb Aboard a cutter for the first time!

There are plenty of stalls and hook-ups.  If you want to enter a horse in the horse sale or if you know someone who would like to ride a cutting horse for the first time, Contact Nina Lundgren: Email Us; 509-539-3435; 509-297-4480.

See you HERE:


Fresh Cattle Practice 1:00 PM
Fresh cattle practice 8:00 AM
Show #1
1 Futurity, Open 10:00 AM
2 Futurity, NP
3 Derby, Open
4 Derby, NP
5 $15,000 Novice
6 $15,000 NNP
7 $5,000 Novice
8 $5,000 NNP
9 Open
10 Non Pro
11 $50,000 Am
12 Costume Class
SATURDAY (Show #1 continued) 8:00 AM
13 $35,000 NP
14 $15,000 Am
15 $2,000 Limit Rider
16 Youth, Sr
17 Youth, Jr
18 $1500 Novice
Show #2
1 Futurity, Open
2 Futurity, NP
3 Derby, Open
4 Derby, NP
2 Hour Break to Preview Sale Horses
5 Climb Aboard A Cutting Horse – Buckle Contest* 5:00 PM
*Rider has never shown a cutting horse !
SUNDAY (Show #2 continued)
6 $15,000 Novice 8:00 AM
7 $15,000 NNP
8 $5,000 Novice
9 $5,000 NNP
10 Open
11 Non Pro
12 $50,000 Am
13 Youth, Sr
14 Youth, Jr
15 $35,000 NP
16 $15,000 Am
17 $2,000 Limit Rider
18 $1500 Novice
19 Never Won A Buckle Contest*
*Rider has less than $2,000 in NCHA earnings and has never won a cutting buckle

Bonina Fall Fun Show & Treaty Horse Sale Entry Forms