Our 2019 Bonina Colt to Cow Connection contestants have been selected! Each trainer will step onto a 60-day colt and teach him to work a cow. Five head of cattle available per colt each day. Competitors will be judged 25 minutes Day 1, 20 minutes Day 2, 15 minutes for Finalists on Day 3. Winner will receive a champion buckle and cash prizes will be awarded to the top competitors.
Click Here for Competition Schedule
2019 Bonina Colt to Cow Connection Contestant
Name: Lane Ternan, 26
Location: Bridger, MT
Currently Training At: Lane Ternan Horse Training & Shoeing
NCHA Lifetime Earnings:$20,635.61
# Years Training Horses to work cattle: 6 years
Background: Grew up on a working ranch and cowboying. He came up through the ranks as youth in the cutting horse world and continued on with high school and college rodeo. He worked for a few trainers early on starting cutters and 2-year-olds. Currently specializes in starting 2-year-olds as well as shoeing horses.
First lesson you learned about putting a horse on a cow? “Get it to be a positive experience. You want to introduce a colt to a cow with a nice soft feel to make sure that they enjoy their job and have confidence. You don’t want to scare them, just go with what the horse is telling you and what that horse needs.”
Influences: “Will Nuttall, John Dublin in the cutting arena and my 2-year-old influence has been Bill Smith. These three guys have really taught me a lot and helped shape how I approach training.”
Expectations for the 2019 Bonina Colt Cow Connection:“No big expectations. My goal is to get to know the horse and get a read on what they need from me to help them have a successful connection to the cow.”
To learn more about Lane’s program give him a call at:406-425-1795
Photo:Riding Badgers Danny Dry
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